Ways you Can donate
Any donation that you can make will be gratefully received, and we are happy to receive donations in cash, by cheque or through bank transfer.
Please consider making a regular monthly donation, as donations of this type are so valuable to us and enable us to provide a whole range of items and support that benefit our service users. If you would like to make a regular monthly donation by Direct Debit please call or email the fundraising team on the details below.
Gift Aid – if you are a UK tax payer your donation can be increased at no extra cost to you through Gift Aid, so please remember to fill in the Gift Aid section when you donate.
If you would like to speak to someone about making a donation and Gift Aid please contact the Fundraising Team:
E: fundraising@sfht.org.uk T: 01425 485081
For easy donating click on our links at the following sites:
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